Talk To Me

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Ms. Oates's Classroom Rules and Expectations


1. Turn off cell phones & electronic devices 

Electronic devices (Ipods, handheld games, tablets, cell phones, etc.) are NOT permitted in my classroom.  Cell phones should be turned off and invisible during the class period. 

2. No food or drink, except water

You may drink bottled water in the classroom. If a spill happens, please clean it up as quickly as possible and let me know.  No other food or drink will be allowed without a doctor's note.

3. Arrive to class on time & ready to learn

When the bell rings, you should be sitting in your assigned seat!  I ask that you be physically and mentally present in the classroom.

4. Never line up at the door before dismissal

Please remain in your seat until I have dismissed you. Remember that I dismiss you, not the bell.

5. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work

Cheating is completely unacceptable.  If I see you cheating on any assignment, I will give you a zero and report the incident to the assistant principal and your parents.  Plagiarism is also unacceptable and you will receive a zero on that assignment with no opportunity to re-do the work for any credit.

6. Use polite and appropriate language

In order for us to have a safe classroom environment where everyone feels comfortable, no offensive, derogatory, or swear words are allowed.  As I am sure you have heard before, if you do not have something nice to say, do not say it at all!

7. Do your best work & turn it in on time

Please remember that the work you turn in is a direct reflection of your effort so make sure all work is neatly done and legible in order to receive credit.


1. Respect yourself, the teacher & others

Respect others' property.  Please pick up after yourself.  Respect yourself and the rest of us by using appropriate language and wearing appropriate clothing. 

2. Put forth your best effort at all times

Please always do your own best work.  I ask that you put learning ahead of good grades and quality ahead of just getting the assignment done.

3. Be prepared for class each day

Come prepared with all materials necessary.

4. Follow directions when given

Do your best to follow given directions the first time.  If you are confused or have questions, ask.

5. Pay attention, participate and ask questions

I ask that you be engaged in what is going on in the classroom. Again, if you have a question, please ask me.  There is no such thing as a stupid question and chances are you are not the only one wondering about it.  If you feel most comfortable waiting until after class that is okay but please make sure you remain open with me.

6. Maintain a positive learning environment

Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in the classroom will not be tolerated.  Use classroom time to learn history.  Please do not spend our class time sleeping, talking, writing notes, texting, or doing work for other classes. 

7. Take responsibility for your actions

If you are confronted about breaking a rule, own up to it without denying it, lying about it, or blaming someone else.  Take responsibility for missed assignments. 

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